Laptop Maintenance

Healthy laptops are best laptops. Follow these posts on how to maintain your laptop for best performance and enhanced life. 

HeatSinks - lets explore

A heat sinkis a passive heat exchanger that transfers the heat generated by an electronic or a mechanical device to a fluid medium, often air or a liquid coolant, where it is dissipated away from the device, thereby allowing regulation of the device's temperature.

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Should You Leave Your Laptop Plugged in All the Time?

LAPTOPS ARE OUR indispensable lifeline to the majesty that is the Internet. We use them to work and play from anywhere in the world. But if you're like most people, you probably keep yours plugged in when you're at work or home. Stop doing that.

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How Long Do Computers Last?

Laptops have now become an important part of our daily lives. We mostly rely on them as the hub for our communication and entertainment, but also as a space to store all of our important photos, documents, and data.

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Does powering down your computer wear it down?

Let us consolidate many questions in the same articles. Say if you have any of the following question - * Is it OK to shutdown your computer everyday? * Is it good to shutdown your computer every night? * Is it bad to turn off your computer with the power button? * Is it O

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Some habits that are good for your laptop

We understand it is a significant piece of investment. For many laptops spare parts are not easily replaceable, as they are so compactly set in the laptop chasis. This makes taking care of your laptop even more important.

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Lifespan of Solid-State Drives (SSD)

A NAND Flash chip based SSD is a totally different storage media than the traditional hard disk drive which saves its data on a magnetic plate. It consists of an electronic controller and several storage chips. SSDs have a very short access time, which makes them perfect for b

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